Monday, October 6, 2008

Know wonder it gets bad reviews.

The result? Everybody lost. The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission was too cowardly to render a verdict and never reviewed the case. The building was turned over to the Museum of Arts and Design, which gutted it to make room for new galleries and stripped away its white marble exterior. 

Its mild, overly polite renovation offers us nothing breathtakingly new.


Tony Walsh said...

Know wonder? Is that some horrible homonym humor? My alliteration goes with the great big H on the building.

Tristan and On said...

omfg tony that is exactly what i was gonna comment on... know wonder? maybe kylie "no's" something the rest of us don't.

Julie @ Chapman Interiors said...

Kyle.. you're such a no it all....

the kyle said...

ahh...your so funny.

Tristan and On said...

know know know, don't you no that isn't supposed to be possessive, kylie?

Phil said...
